It’s a pretty small place, enough room for one chair, a small bench where you sit and wait your turn, and the barber.
Here’s a picture of me getting comfortable. The basic question is not “how would you like your hair styled?”, but rather “short or short short?”. I chose “short”. Zip zip zip go the clippers, there were no combs, scissors or other fancy-shmancy beauty salon accoutrements in evidence, just the clippers and a mysterious bottle of stuff they called “spirits” which got spritzed on my hair after the cut.
Here I am forking over the cash. The haircut cost me 5000 Kwatcha, which is about $1.25. Nice look, eh? It may not be the absolutely best cut in the world, but I’ve had worse for twenty times the price. It was worth it for the experience.
I can give you the same cut when you come home for free! I may throw in some fancy-shmancy hair spritz too! (Would you like sparkles?)
John, I get the opposite ! One of our NGO Directors' wife owns a salon and we were invited to go there, free initially ! Now it costs us more than haircuts used to cost us in teh UK. My Mon always says it looks nice, But it costs over 6 times what yours cost. Mind you, it looks 6 x better too (grin)
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