Thursday, February 22, 2007

My Lusaka Barber - by John

Well, it was time for me to get a haircut and so I decided to go to the neighborhood barber shop. I could have gone to the local mall to the “salon” where other Muzungus (white folks) go, but I thought I would go for a bit of local experience, so I went to “Smart Barber Shop”. I’m not sure if that means that the Barber is smart, or if you come out looking smart, or what.

It’s a pretty small place, enough room for one chair, a small bench where you sit and wait your turn, and the barber.

Here’s a picture of me getting comfortable. The basic question is not “how would you like your hair styled?”, but rather “short or short short?”. I chose “short”. Zip zip zip go the clippers, there were no combs, scissors or other fancy-shmancy beauty salon accoutrements in evidence, just the clippers and a mysterious bottle of stuff they called “spirits” which got spritzed on my hair after the cut.

Here I am forking over the cash. The haircut cost me 5000 Kwatcha, which is about $1.25. Nice look, eh? It may not be the absolutely best cut in the world, but I’ve had worse for twenty times the price. It was worth it for the experience.


Janet said...

I can give you the same cut when you come home for free! I may throw in some fancy-shmancy hair spritz too! (Would you like sparkles?)

Anonymous said...

John, I get the opposite ! One of our NGO Directors' wife owns a salon and we were invited to go there, free initially ! Now it costs us more than haircuts used to cost us in teh UK. My Mon always says it looks nice, But it costs over 6 times what yours cost. Mind you, it looks 6 x better too (grin)