Thursday, January 10, 2008

Yummy Inswa! - by John

Mmm, a big plate of termites

So, a few weeks ago we posted a blog about eating caterpillars. They weren't horrible, but weren't all that great either. Nonetheless, our friends Dave and Ruth posted a comment, something like "Bring it On", so we did. We arranged for our maid to fry up a big batch of Inswa, which we know as termites (see this Wikipedia entry). They are pretty popular around this time of year in southern Africa, they come out, fly around and mate, and then loose their wings, so people pick them up and cook them up.

We did a sort of taste test, and had about a 50/50 reaction. I found them crunchy, oily and pretty good, they make a nice snack. Others had a different reaction.

Danica likes Inswa!Caleb likes Inswa a lot!
Erin is still tasting....
Erin expresses her disappointment
Jordan would prefer other forms of protein

Regardless of the negative reactions, I predict that it's only a matter of time until Inswa hit the frozen food aisle at Superstore, or that we will find the McInswa burger at McDonalds.

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