Saturday, December 30, 2006

End of Year Update - By John

Hello all, just a few random notes to keep everyone up to date on what's happening.

Merry Christmas

We had a great Christmas, hope you did too!

Thanks for the presents!

Kruger Park

As promised, pictures of wild animals in Kruger Park. We saw these while we were with Henry and Lynn, who are now back in Canada, safe and sound.
Majestic Lions, posing just for us

A Vervet Monkey

Our New Address in Lusaka

In case you want to send us anything via the post, our new postal address in Lusaka is:

John and Charlene Wieler
c/o Mennonite Central Committee
PO Box 33086
Lusaka, Zambia

We are moving out of the house Tuesday (Jan 2) and flying to Lusaka the next day (Jan 3). While we are getting our house set up, we may not have internet access, so pardon the delay, but please keep the emails coming.

Happy New Year!

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