Saturday, January 14, 2006

Danica's New Puppy

Our family is finally complete with the arrival of baby Klaus (named by Danica after a character from the Series of Unfortunate Events). We are anticipating a series of unfortunate events on our kitchen floor so the naming seems appropriate! He is a pure bred Danish Wolf Hound and he is six weeks old. We were given the phone number of the owner by two different people within about 15 minutes this morning so we took it to be divine intervention that we were meant for this dog – or at least our kids took it to mean that. His parents look like White Alsatians and they are approximately the size of a German Shepherd. Hopefully he’ll look a little more intimidating than Lady does!


Anonymous said...

Hey how are you going to get those lovely dogs home - shari

Anonymous said...

rebecca and benjamin love both dogs.
here are their comments:

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Anonymous said...

you have to love those Dane's
